

This pictures reflects, in some way, some of my impressions at the moment .A diffused spring immersed in this futurist, surrealist panorama in which I learn, more and more, to live in the  present,with the sensation, as in the pictureof not being able...

Cages and mirrors

Cages and mirrors

March 25th 2020 - DAY 12th of lockdown    In a rebellious act, I looked into the mirror and, as if breaking free from this invisible cage in  which I have been twelve days already, I paint my lips red. Maybe I did not have a red lipstick in my make-up purse for...

Yoga in times of… coronavirus

Yoga in times of… coronavirus

Nature is an artwork. The coronavirus image could be a contemporary art painting hanging in any of our, now closed, city museums.  But I am saying this thinking in a more masterful sense. In a momento where the human species was unstoppably moving towards its own...

Full Moon in Aquarius – Me & Humankind

Full Moon in Aquarius – Me & Humankind

Moon in Aquarius - Sun in Leo    With every full Moon, the Sun and the Moon, our ego and our emotional body, sit face to face to have a conversation. Sun in Leo connects us with our external personality, with how we show ourselves in the world. Are...

It is a dance

It is a dance

Today is an anniversary that I would love not to have to remember. Three years ago I had an accident in the ocean that brought, as a consequence, a chronic injury in my legs. Pain is relative. For the first few days, when I did not know yet the gravity of the...

Yoga & Surf: a magical combo

Yoga & Surf: a magical combo

In the last years the market is full with offers of Yoga & Surf retreats. But, what makes this combination appealing for you as a yogi? In this article I contemplate, from my love for these two soul practices, some common things between them and how surf...

I am the Ocean

I am the Ocean

Past Wednesday was International Environment Day and, tomorrow will be celebrated World Ocean´s Day. The Tantrik tradition uses what they are called nyāyas, poetic metaphors, to transmit complex and powerful teachings. Today, thinking about the seas, I remember one of...

Starting anew

Starting anew

I feel a kind of relief as the Sun leaves the sign of Pisces. I never thought I would say that, since I love water signs, but this last month has been so intense emotionally. I have felt at times as the little mermaid, of my favourite tale, prisoner inside the ocean...

Transform into your-Self

Transform into your-Self

A new year just started. A special moment to create new intentions. The fundamental intention for every human being is to have happiness, abundance and prosperity in all áreas of life. As yogis we know those are not goals to reach but paths to walk. One of the...

Healing the feminine

Healing the feminine

I am a woman, daughter of the Moon. I pulsate with the tides, I dance in the flow of the emotions. I do not consider myself a feminist, but I fully celebrate the feminine. In fact, I am deeply committed to the awakening of the feminine: from the most inner place, with...

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