The Beliefs that Keep You from Manifesting the Life you Desire
You are the creator of your life. This idea might sound to you like truly liberating or it might be terrifyingly triggering. How can I be the creator of all the things in my life that I do not desire at all? How is then that I cannot manifest what I most deeply...
From Midlife Crisis to Midlife Thriving
Do you feel like losing track of your inner life compass? Do you feel disconnected from your life mission? With no energy or enthusiasm any more? Are you questioning your present life and have no clue about he next steps? Welcome to... So many things happen in your...
The #1 desire for most women after 40.
One of the effects of menopause and perimenopause and the stress that can place on your nervous and hormonal system is the lack of energy. Many of the symptoms that women report during perimenopause and menopause are somehow related to fatigue and tiredness. From...
Are your emotions running the show?
Could you imagine life without emotions? Of course not. Emotions are life’s spice. However, one of the complaints I get more often from women in their 40´s and 50´s is how difficult it is living through an emotional rollercoaster that many times seems out of...
The Rushing Woman… and Menopause
The first time I heard the concept of the “rushing woman syndrome” I was at the border of burnout. As I listened to those words, something clicked inside. An instant recognition of myself in them. But, wait… how could I be a rushing woman? I was a yoga teacher with...
Mercury retrograde. RE-evaluating.
On September 27th, Mercury entered retrograde. Mercury rules our mental activity and this cause that, until October 18th when it will enter direct again, our mind turns 180 degrees to look inside. As a consequence, we can feel the external world slowing down or.....
KRAMA: from chaos into order
Contemplating the energy that brings this new lunar cycle in Virgo, there is a word that is reverberating in my mind. KRAMAKrama is a Sanskrit term that gets translated as order. Also as sequence. Something that is done step by step.In Tantric texts, krama...
Full Moon in Aquarius: the collective heart
The second Full Moon in Aquarius in a month is happening with the Sun in the very last degree of Leo and the Moon holding hands with Jupiter in Aquarius. The Leo-Aquarius opposition talks to us about how to balance the energy, the intention and love we put in our...
Full Moon in Aquarius: me & the collective
FULL MOON in AQUARIUS 2020 Every day the stars gift us with their wisdom. But there are inflection points in the cycles, as it happens with Full Moons and New Moons. Full Moon is always a conversation between opposites that creates polarity Moon...
An inflection point: bringing collective shadow into light
We live times of great responsibility as the human race. You do not need to be very sensitive to feel that. If a movie scriptwriter had designed the stage of a sky in which the planets describe radical change, he could not have done better: a Lunar eclipse...