Mercury retrograde. RE-evaluating.

Mercury retrograde. RE-evaluating.

On September 27th, Mercury entered retrograde.

Mercury rules our mental activity and this cause that, until October 18th when it will enter direct again, our mind turns 180 degrees to look inside.  As a consequence, we can feel the external world slowing down or.. that we slow down regarding the movement of the external world. Typically, it is considered a time of difficult communications, in which the advice is not closing deals, signing contracts or planning big trips. It is not surprising that the most important social media platforms collapsed during the algid moment of its retrogradation in Libra, the sign of personal relationships. 

In Esoteric Astrology, it is considered that Mercury retrograde has a more subtle and profound effect. The inner world is enriched by the effect of our gaze, of our awareness. Inside we find sensations, emotions, ideas, projects… that some time inhabited the most superficial areas of our mind but, for any reasons, they were not expressed.  They are like unattended children desperate for a caress. 

To this Mercury “backwards” journey  and to the presence of several planets in Libra, have joined in full synchrony, a challenge initiated in our essential oil community @esenciasdelatierra.yl by my friend @ireneantonymas with a very special and potent mixed of oils called RELEASE and the  Navaratri sadahana, the 9 nights of Goddess Durga, that started yesterday.

So, my journal is overwhelmed these days with all the revelations or forgotten emotions and cornered sensations that fight for seeing the light . Spontaneous awakenings during the day. Intense dreams during the night. Piecing things together. A feeling of finally leaving some repetitive themes behind.  

Another effect of Mercury retrograde is getting back projects left half way through,  ideas and intentions that were forgotten in the business of the inmediate. 


What was in your “New Year resolution” and got lost in the way?  


Where did you imagine yourself at this moment in life and where are you? 


Which is the missing piece of the puzzle to create the life you desire? 

This is a great moment to decide to get deeper into yourself. 

 Inside the apparent confusion and chaos of Mercury retrograde, a Universe of possibilities exist to  






And that is my mission.

To help you through my offerings

Both if you want to grow in a community or if you prefer to do a more individual process.


I am delighted in serving you.




 One of my main intentions for this course is for you to get the necessary knowledge to grow in your sadhana. At all levels: physically, emotionally, spiritually

Another intention is to guide you to become a great yoga teacher, if that is your desire.   

Registration is open



Astrology is an amazing tool to know yourself, to accept yourself. 

I offer different types of sessions that will help you to know yourself better and to connect with your purpose. 

What makes these sessions something very special and effective is that we work accordingly to your personality, taking into account your individual and unique characteristics. 

KRAMA: from chaos into order

KRAMA: from chaos into order

Contemplating the energy that brings this new lunar cycle in Virgo, there is a word that is reverberating in my mind. 


Krama is a Sanskrit term that gets translated as order. Also as sequence. Something that is done step by step.

In Tantric texts, krama is the power that Consciousness uses to manifest from the apparent chaos into a relative order of the manifested Universe. 

Everything in the Universe happens in a sequence. From the development of a foetus in the uterus, to the blooming of a plant, the succession of day and night, to the protein synthesis inside your cells following, step by step, the instructions encoded in your DNA.

Krama is the process that, step by step, takes us from point A to point B, from the creative impulso to the completion of manifestation.

Every creative process mimics the manifestation oft he Universe described but the Tantrikas.  Think about the creation of a text. At first there is nothingness. Or, we could say, the undifferentiated totality. Suddenly flashes of concepts appear that become ideas and thoughts. These start to get entangled among them with certain coherence creating arguments that become, for example, this blog. 

It is interesting to appreciate how the rest of the infinite information/matter/energy (as you would like to call it) starts to dissolve as insignificant at that moment, in the same way the pieces of granite disappear  as the artist creates an sculpture. 

This is another Virgo trait: discernment that creates order and organisation, that gives priority to certain information over the rest, that decides what it stays and what it goes, that design the most effective sequence. 

Organisation, order, sequence, discernment.

Virgo energy is sometimes thought of as boring or uninteresting but nothing further from the truth. Look, for instance,  the beauty of a fractal.  A clear consequence of order and sequentiality.

It is really easy to take this concepts to the field of yoga through the meaning of sadhana.  

Sadhana is a sucesión and repetition of sequences that you practice day after day.  I am not thinking only in asana sequences but in the sacred sequence in any practice that you receive from a wisdom lineage, that has being designed in the best way possible to bring about a particular result.  

One of my teachers, Paul Muller-Ortega, says that  “Yoga is not about faith. It is all about practice. When you feel the results of the practice nobody needs to convince you of anything. You just know”  

Virgo is the energy of routine and repetition, of the mundane daily acts. Those that can be the most sacred actions.

Yes, I see this sign of the Zodiac, as a sing of the sacred. I will explain it through the meaning of something I love: ritual.

What is a ritual but a set of sequences of mundane actions orchestrated with precision that turn into sacred just for belonging to that particular sequence?  

All this energies and concepts are fundamental in my life and my teaching and there are always present in my courses.

  • 13 Lunas – 13 Mudras is our way to workship the dancing sequence of the Moon through the signs to synch with the available energy in the sky. 
  • The power of order and sequence are the foundation of my clases so they can be transformative and safe
  • In trainings I share techniques and resources to use discernment in the creation and teaching of clases to serve students fully (another important aspect of Virgo)  

In this lunar cycle I invite you to contemplate:  

  • ¿Qué secuencias son importantes en tu vida? 
  • ¿Cómo transformas lo mundano en ritual? 
  • ¿Cuál es el efecto de la repetición? ¿De la sadhana? 









200 h Teacher Training in Marbella” (December 2021 to May 2022) 




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