Functional Anatomy Applied to Yoga

with Lucas Benet & Susana García Blanco

MADRID december 2-5

REQUIRED MODULE from the Advanced Teacher Training 300 h



As hatha yoga students, we practice yoga through the vehicle of the body. We seek to expand our understanding of ourselves and connect to the fullness of ourselves by accessing both our strength and our full range of motion. Freedom in this context is then having wise choices available to us both when doing our hatha yoga practice and when moving in everyday life. As yoga teachers, we want to know how to teach asana so that our students can fully enjoy and express themselves in the poses, and in a way that prevents injuries. We also want to be able to support students who come to class with minor injuries so that they can enjoy the poses too.

Main goals:

  • To understand how the body moves and how tis different parts work together in a balanced way through the practice of ASANA
  • To know the functional anatomy applied to movement and to avoid injuries in your body and your students.
  • To integrate the knowledge teaching the main actions for each group of postures to offer to the students a safe and efficient way of practicing.


This course is neither a medical professional training  nor a Yoga Therapy intensive. 

We assume a basic knowledge of Anatomy.  


Lucas Benet

Lucas Benet

Anusara Certified Teacher and creator of this module

Certified Anusara yoga teacher and creator of the Functional Anatomy as Applied to Yoga Module for the Advanced Teacher Training . Meditation practitioner, expert in manual therapy techniques as Osteopathy and Rolf Method, with more than 20 years of experience. He has a constant relationship with the body through sports and yoga.  Registered asYoga Alliance ERYT 500.

In love with outdoor sports, windsurfing national ex-champion and father of two girls, he lives in Marbella with his family.


Module content

Parte 1: General Anatomical Concepts in Relation to Yoga: Consciousness, Prana and The Breath, The Nervous System, The Myofascial Net, Optimal Blueprint, Three-Dimensional View of the Body, Gravity

Parte 2: Study of the Main Movements in Yoga and Preventive Therapeutic Application

Asana and General Types of Movements

  • Flexion or Forward Bending
  • Extension or Backbending
  • Asymmetrical Poses (one leg forward, the other back)
  • Twisting
  • Side Bending
  • Arm Balances
  • Inversions
  • Hip Openers

Parte 3: The Study of Anatomy in Sections

  • Spinal Column 
  • Pelvis and Hips 
  • Lower Extremity (Knee and Foot) 
  • Upper Extremity


ATT REQUIRED MODULE   28 credit hour


december 2-5 2017



Zentro Urban Yoga MADRID

Claudio Coello, 5




375 € before october 15th  / 420 € after

you can see prices for the full Advanced TT in 2017   AQUI


.. to be confirmed


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