The Beliefs that Keep You from Manifesting the Life you Desire

by | May 5, 2022 | Astrology, Uncategorized, Women

You are the creator of your life. 

This idea might sound to you like truly liberating or it might be terrifyingly triggering. 

How can I be the creator of all the things in my life that I do not desire at all?

How is then that I cannot manifest what I most deeply desire? 

I am not blaming you at all about your reality. Not at all. I am talking about how the Universe work in its creation process.  

Let me explain it to you.   

Your mind is divided in two parts: the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. 

Think of an iceberg.

The top of the iceberg (what you see) is your conscious mind. This is the part of yourself you know well. Your conscious thoughts. “I want to have a beautiful life” “I will thrive through menopause”. As for the iceberg example, this is a very small part of your mind.

Then there is the “huge” underwater part of the iceberg: your unconscious mind. This is your mind storage place. Everything is kept here: good and bad memories, traumas, stuck emotions, impressions from old experiences. We call them, in general, your “unconscious patterns”… Just because you are not conscious of them. 


And here is the main thing to understand:

 Your mind manifest directly

from the unconscious material. 

So, often, your conscious desires do not show up in your outer reality. What is manifesting is consequence of your childhood trauma, or your grandmother’s ancestral wounds or your parents scarcity consciousness, to say a few. 

Something I have observed frequently is that, even if you have done lots of inner work during your life, lots of these unconscious patterns resurface with perimenopause and menopause, especially those related to your feminine linage. Themes related to self-value, body issues, sexuality… It is definetely a time of purification and refinement. 

The good news is that

you can change your unconscious beliefs.

And that this is the perfect time to do it.

And not only for you.

When you heal your subconscious limiting patterns, you are healing your ancestral lineage, backwards and forward in time.

Our generation has the time, the opportunity and the resources to heal the wounded feminine. It is a privilege and it is a responsibility. And it is the way to a more fulfilled life. 

Because at the end…

everything is about what you believe. 

Now you have the choice.

Do you want to be a victim of your lineage wounds? Or do you choose to be your own healer? 

I think the answer is clear. 

As clear as my mission:

Serving  women in their transformational journey, especially through perimenopause and menopause, to reach their highest potential. 

It is my way to serve the feminine.

It is my way to serve myself.

And it is my way to serve you.

If you are feeling called to work with me, this are my offerings to live the feminine way. 

I am looking forward to connect with you more closely. Please, share your experience and feelings with me in Instagram


Be wise, wild & relaxed.

Susana GB




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Vive relajada. Sé sabia y salvaje 


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