
by | Apr 29, 2020 | Uncategorized

This pictures reflects, in some way, some of my impressions at the moment .

A diffused spring 

immersed in this futurist, surrealist panorama 

in which I learn, more and more, to live in the  present,

with the sensation, as in the picture

of not being able to see further than the close instant.  


It is in those instants, when I find myself distinguishing  as never before the detailes in the landscape that, from the window, accompanied me in my afternoons of study during my teens. So much looking though the same window, in this, another time, the colours offer me an unusual richness of nuances and the horizon gets full with exquisite details.  

I can say the same about my inner landscape, with more time to explore and wonder at its exuberant reality. 


r e a l i t y

interesting concept


If I speak about the reality pulsating  with light and filled with possibilities that abides inside of me, those always ready to raise the tirant flag of rationality would reproach that I am not a realistic person.  How daring to forget that dense and weird “reality” we universally inhabit?


There are moments in which that reality suffocates me. But I must admit that, so far, are the least. 

 yoga has innumerable, and some times nearly antagonist, teachings about reality.

One of them is this list of the four states of Consciousness (that Tantra broadens later): 

deep sleep
“turya”  or meditative state 


Which one is more real? 

What I live in this moment sitting in front of my computer, feeling the freshness of the morning and watching a flock of white doves to take flight at once?  

Tonight´s dream when I was in my Moroccan home with a feeling that something was differente?  

The darkness I perceive when I close my eyes that has its own permission to change into any form or no-form at every moment?  


These days, more than ever, the different states of my Consciousness intermingle dancing among them  

… And I am grateful.

I am grateful to be reminded that reality is less solid than I think. 

I am grateful to be reminded that everything is One.


What is reality? 

No doubt it is a  mystery 


A mystery that guides me to keep on practicing,

with deeper love for the practices 

and with deeper love for life.



…with love to Shyama

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Vive relajada. Sé sabia y salvaje 


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