Nature is an artwork. The coronavirus image could be a contemporary art painting hanging in any of our, now closed, city museums.
But I am saying this thinking in a more masterful sense. In a momento where the human species was unstoppably moving towards its own destruction, Nature, yes, Mother Earth, manifests its grandiose power as a single ARN chain that is challenging our way of life.
Covid-19, one more of the species that form this complex entity that we call Earth and from which we are part of, shows up as a weapon of the Mother, in its most ferocious form, know in the Hindu tradition as Kali, to give us a time to contemplate, to recalibrate our habits, offering us the possibility of survival as humans on this beautiful planet.
In my morning walk with Ananda, I was thinking on how nature continues its course with no alteration. Sun rises in the morning, the sky gets painted in blue, birds sing (it seems even louder with the absence of other sounds), flowers show off happy in their branches. Only humans are missing, and this brings a sense of both emptiness and relief.
This world-wide experience is a great opportunity for growth and evolution. I hope we all use this time in a wise way to elevate our energy, our awareness so we can start anew with a renovated vision.
I have been trying to write this blog for a few days, navigating through certain lack of concentration and a inner bombing of ideas for writing. So I have decided to codify in smaller contents. The most important message I want to convey today is:
It is not possible to insist enough about this: your sadhana is more important than ever.
Sadhana = regular, constant, devotional practice
It has not been a more important moment to practice YOGA than now, both for your individual well-being and for the opportunity to elevate human consciousness.
This are some of the benefits of establishing a regular and constant practice during this time at home:
- At a physical level, practice of asana and pranayama strengthen the inmune system and gives vitality. It will also help you to sleep better.
- At a mental level, it gives you a rest from so much information and helps you to maintain clarity.
- At an emotional level, allows you to connect with the observer and not been swept by the intense emotions that can bring episodes of anxiety. On one hand, the emotional body is altered and the nervous system on alert. There is a whirlwind of emotions, thoughts, feelings. Human beings have a brutal capacity for adaptation but even though, we all feel we are in front of an extreme situation in which we lose control over our lives. It is important NOT deny your emotions. It is totally normal to feel fear sadness, rage,… Allow yourself to cry or to express your emotions.
- At a spiritual level, yoga connects you with the essence and generates trust.
As yogis we have been preparing for this and, in fact. many of us see this time as a time of spiritual retreat. In the same way that social discipline is important to stop the infection, the discipline and energy of our sadhana is key in these moments to bring light into the world
If you do not have a regular sadhana. this is the perfect moment to create this discipline.
With the intention to help, I am starting to offer on-line classes in my on-line school in the upcoming days. There will be some free classes and the possibility to subscribe to some more. Lets be in touch. And write me with suggestions about what you need in these moments.
To finish with a bit of humor, this is my favourite joke so far… humor is one of the magical human powers and laughing is a great booster for immunity.