Full Moon in Aquarius: the collective heart

Full Moon in Aquarius: the collective heart

The second Full Moon in Aquarius in a month is happening with the Sun in the very last degree of Leo and the Moon holding hands with Jupiter in Aquarius.

The Leo-Aquarius opposition talks to us about how to balance the energy, the intention and love we put in our inner circle with what we offer to society as a whole. 

As I guess it is happening to you, in the last days there is a recurrent thought in my mind about Afghanistan and, specially, women in that country. This Moon is a big reminder that we are part of a something bigger (humankind?) and that what is happening to people in another part of the world affects us more than we even know. 

Leo represents our heart with its passion and warmth. Aquarius connects us with the collective heart.

And that collective heart hurts when we witness full of impotence how the countries of the world and all the organisations, that cost us so many resources, allow how a group of depraved ignorant fundamentalist trample over all human rights at once.

It hurts deeply. 

This axis Leo-Aquarius reminds me that I cannot be fully happy in the safety of my own life while other places of the world are covered by the black darkness of burkas.

We live in the era of the awakening of the feminine in all aspects. This awakening comes with intense shadows. It is really meaningful that at the precise moment of the Full Moon, the Moon and Jupiter will be in the house of the subconscious, the house of the Mother, the House of the lineage. The lineage of humankind. The lineage of womankind. We are all interconnected by invisible threads as trees of the forest by their roots



 Allow yourself to feel the faltering beat of fear and rage of the collective heart. Maybe by feeling and drinking on Jupiter´s passion and abundance this Moon, we would get to take some action.

Lets pray for Afghan women so they can keep the connection with the inner place where freedom cannot be silenced. Lets keep on sending energy and prayers so in some way they can feel they are not left alone. And lets do more

I have been looking for ways of helping and I want to share with you here what I found up to now. 


Instagram accounts with relevant information 











Lets share information.

We need to pressure our governments to do more and  


Afghan women will not lose their voice 





Saturn entrance in Aquarius brings a new vision for all collective.


Cooperation is needed to create new structures and organisations 

that assure respect and dignity for all human beings.


And peace. 


S A L A M   A L E I K U M!


Happy Aquarius Full Moon!



2021 – Elevate your vision

2021 – Elevate your vision

2020 has gifted us with time to think, to feel, to contemplate.


Which are my true desires?

Which are the things I can live without?  

Which aspects from my pre-2020 life are not sustainable? 

What do I want to do with this life, ephemeral, uncertain? 


Human embodiment is a precious treasure, an extraordinary gift from the Maha Shakti.  The body-mind is an incredible vehicle for the experience of different levels and stages of consciousness. 

When we live in misalignment, there is a fragmentation between our experience and our essence. Our desires spring forth from  darkness and our vision is limited. And so it is the reality of our life. 

It is our responsibility to refine the instrument of the body-mind

Sages and masters from all times, invite us to dive into the heart and taste the hidden currents of Shakti. What is know in the esoteric hinfu traditions as rahasya (the secret).  

There it is the power of sadhana that allows us: 


To release limitations that endarken our experience 

R  E  C  A  L  I  B  R  A  T E 

Attune with higher and higher frequencies 


From there desires and vision get refined, aligning with the divine energy of will, of desire

I C C H A   S H A K T I


My theme and my wish for 2021



For your own realization

For your own happiness

For the evolution of humanity

In this planetary moment of deep transformation, collective vision is the sum of individual visions 

Accept your responsibility 




I leave you with a powerful, beautiful, inspiring teaching from the Upanishads 

“You are your deepest desire.

As you desire is, so it is your will.

As your will is, so it is your action.

As you action is, so it is your destiny”



¡ Feliz 2021 !


The future is here

The future is here

This Solstice keeps up with 2020: special, intense, different

On December 21st,  the darkest day of the year, it will take place one of the most important astrological events of the year: the Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter.  

What makes this event so relevant is not only the conjunction of these two giant planets but the fact that they do at 0 degrees in the sign of Aquarius.  

It is not surprising that the date for the vaccine approval regulation in Europe, set before for December 29th, has been moved to the 21st.  Either we are in favor of vaccines or or not, the fact is that they represent a social inflection point into the post-pandemic future.  

So, why is this astrological event so relevant?

Lets go one step at a time 

If Saturn and Jupiter were your friends, Saturn would be the resourceful one. That person that goes the extra mile to do anything needed. With stable and conventional life, his success is the result of hard work. Demanding and maybe excessively arrogant, he is usually not the soul of the party.  

On the other hand, Jupiter is the friend you have fun with, optimistic and in high spirits. Spite of his lighter attitude towards life his improbable plans magically turn into manifestation. He inhales abundance and exhales joy. Júpiter also represents the teacher, the guru, the container of wisdom.   

On Solstice day, when a cycle of light closes to start a new one, they will be standing together in the sky in the sign of Aquarius.  

Aquarius is the sign of innovation, of alternative thinking, of revolutionary change, of cutting edge ideas. It is the sign of the future. A future that has never been more uncertain but that shows up with fresh and youthful energy.

Aquarius is as well the sign of society, of groups of people with similar vision; the sign of community. With the current plutonian transformations, Aquarius  invitation is to the power of the collective, to the establishment of systems in agreement with our evolution as human beings, of where “the different” have its place.  

Aquarius is the sign of electromagnetic waves, the Internet and social networks. Their  relevance is obvious in 2020 is obvious. We are worldly connected at a click. New ways of communication, with lights and shadows, nd with undeniable power. Aquarius  invites us to embrace them for the benefit of humanity.  



Saturn and Jupiter get here after a long journey through the sing of Capricorn. They have been closely accompanied by Pluto (Shiva, Kali of deep transformation and dissolution).  Saturn has moved through his own sign, questioning world structures, but also our inner mind structures. Intense. All together have razed the world as we knew it and shaken the foundations of our individual lives. 

Pluto stays behind dissolving what still has to go, as hard as it feels. 

Jupiter and Saturn start their mission in Aquarius holding hands. Complementary opposites. Saturn gets down to work. There is a future to create, new structures to consolidate. Step by step. Jupiter adds optimism, a high vision, joy and abundance. 

Future is already here 


And the Universe offers to us the gift of wisdom and expansion, with a great dose of tenacity and realism.




This Solstice 


Create an innovative vision for your life 

Make the collective part of it 


Envision the humanity you desire 


Happy Winter Solstice – Happy Yule

Fall Equinox 2020: ¿balance?

Fall Equinox 2020: ¿balance?

This year, the ending of summer makes me sad.  

In some way I like fall. It is the season I was born in. But I like summer a lot more.  

What is clear is that I like fall in some places more than others. 

It is my favourite season in Morocco. When beaches become a gift only for locals, after summer hustle, first swells arrive and with them the surfers,

It was my favourite season when I used to live in American Midwest. Finally, the suffocating humid heat os summer appeased, and the countless trees  were dyed in surreal colours. Psychedelic yellows, oranges and reds made me feel part of a magic dream. 

It is hard for me in my hometown. Cold arrives early there.

This year is particularly hard, because is showing up loaded with the wounds and uncertainty of spring. 

Ok, enough nostalgia

Lets celebrate today this special moment of balance.  

B a l a n c e  


 Always searched for. Always desired.

We talk of physical balance, mental balance, emotional balance, balance between this and that. We talk about it as if it was a goal, a place to arrive to and in which to stay.  

Nature, on one hand, shows us the ephemeral of that place of  pure equality between opposites. Two days in a full year. Equinox. 

On the other hand, it shows us the importance of certain balance for life. You just have to look at your body. The human body utilises great part of its energy to regulated values of parameters such as temperature,  pH, chemical compounds blood concentration. The body is unceasingly trying to maintain itself in a state that in Biology is called homeostasis. A state of variable equilibrium, on which its existence totally depends,  



Balance is always Dinamic.

The Universe works as a increasingly push and pull.  

Sometimes sweet and fun; sometimes, challenging and intens

And some days, like today allows us to taste the place in which opposites become equal in intensity.

And that we will have to let it go. As the trees start to dye, and then release, their leaves, to gift us with the most beautiful images of the season.

 And we will keep on feeling the trembling, the doubting,  the vibration…





C o n t e m p l a t i o n s

What does it give you the feeling of balance in this 2020 tight rope?   

Which “rituals” can you integrate in your life to bring “homeostasis”?


Happy Fall Equinox  – Happy Mabon

Full Moon in Aquarius:  me & the collective

Full Moon in Aquarius: me & the collective


 Every day the stars gift us with their wisdom. But there are inflection points in the cycles, as it happens with Full Moons and New Moons. Full Moon is always a conversation between opposites that creates polarity

 Moon in Aquarius, the sign of the collective, the sign of the new futuristic vision, the sign of rebellion and freedom, the sign of humanism.  It is not a coincidence that is in this Moon when hindus celebrate the holiday of  Raksha Bandha. A celebration of fraternal bonds, a celebration of friendship.  

Sun in Leo, the sign of identity, the sign of enjoying life as it is, the sign of the ego, the sense of I. 

In this Full Moon, the energy is polarised between the sense of I and the community. Lots of food for the mind in these times.  Where is the border between my freedom and other´s?  Where are my personal needs and where the needs of the society that I belong to? Can we evolve towards growth as humanity with a virgin individuality or is always necessary a sacrifice of my identity? Is this sacrifice such from a spiritual point of view or is it a blessing? 

No doubt the Full Moon is illuminating the answers to these and many other questions… and not always are the ones we want to hear. Specially with Uranus in Taurus,  in strong tension with the Sun and the Moon. Disruptive energy that is walking with us since long time giving us this familiar feeling already that the ground is moving below our feet, that what we once considered  stable is not any more, and mostly we do not want it to be, and that we are moving inevitably towards something totally new that we are still to know, to create. 

Exciting times… no doubt. 

Specially if we follow the direction signalled by the stars, It is the direction of Scorpio. The direction of the depths, the direction of the shadows.

Do not stay at the surface.

Observe YOURself. Investigate YOURself. Ask YOURself.  

Make all the necessary questions about YOURSELF  (Leo) so the WHOLE (Aquarius) can find the answers that propel us to the next state of evolution.  

Aquarius is the sign of Astrology. If you feel the call to investigate YOURself through your astral chart, one of the most personalised methods that can help you finding what is your role in all this, you have the information  HERE about my Astrological Coaching. 

N a m a s t e 

Full Moon in Sagittarius: establish yourself in yoga and act

Full Moon in Sagittarius: establish yourself in yoga and act

Every Full Moon is a challenge. Two opposite forces pulling us in different directions. Today, there is an additional tension in the sky with Mars/Neptune squaring the conjunction Sun/Venus and the Moon. As if we need something else… a Lunar Eclipse! 

Time to look into our shadow material .

Can you feel it?

I am sure you do. It is intense. 

Venus, the planet of relationships is traveling with the Sun in Geminis, placing the focus on this area of our lives. Being retrograde, it pushes us to look deep inside and question the way we relate to other. At a collective level, it is a profound investigation of how the different pieces of our society hold together, to which are the wounds in the connective tissue of society.  

And here it comes Sagittarius. Showing the naked truth with zero consideration  aquí apart we are bothered with what we find. 

In this moments of protest and activism, a Full Moon in Sagittarius can be gasoline into the fire. The Moon in this sign overflows passion. It can be also full of anger and rage, bringing uncontrollable emotional bursts. There is so mucha pain and rage in the world right now. An accumulated rage, mostly justified. 

 It is crucial that we connect with the highest road of the Sagittarius element of fire. Rage can consumes us in the same way a fire can destroy an entire forest. Rage can also be fuel to ignite action for change. Be aware of dramatic behaviours or exaggeration.

The invitation is to cultivate wisdom and hold a higher vision.

For your life. For humanity. For the Earth.


How can we do that?

As yogis and yoginis, we cultivate our fire. In Sanskrit is called   tapas and it is one of the fruits of sadhana, of practice. We want to cultivase a healthy fire. A fire that brings purification and transformation, but not destruction. A fire that breaks patterns and inertia bringing positive change. 


It is our responsibility choosing which are the changes we want to implement in the world.  

Each thought matters. Each word matters. Each intention matters. Each action matters.  

Lets not make the same mistakes over and over again.  


For the last weeks, we have been studying the Bhagavad Gita in the Immersion groups. One of my  favourite teachings in this sacred text, source of inspiration of generation after generation, is 

“Establish yourself in yoga and, then, act” 

If we want to see powerful, sustainable, conscious change we need to stop reacting. We need to take the time to connect, to move deep through the layers of conditioning and act from a place of love. This is the Sagittarius energy as seeker of the Truth.  


Mars, planet of action, seems to be in an uncomfortable place in Pisces in conjunction with Neptune. It shows the confusion we are immersed in, the sensation of not being able to take the necessary actions. We can take this place of Mars into our advantage, precisely, to increase our capacity to dream big and create new collective visions from Consciousness, with capital letters. 

 These days the path is through meditation, contemplation and focusing in how I can, specially through my daily actions, serve others better, serve the world better. 


This Full Moon …

Offer your limitations and conditioning to the fire of Consciousness in the heart 


Contemplate your highest intention now 


Ignite your individual fire through the power of your sadhana 


Get ready to act from there 



How do your daily actions and your highest vision hold together? 






This pictures reflects, in some way, some of my impressions at the moment .

A diffused spring 

immersed in this futurist, surrealist panorama 

in which I learn, more and more, to live in the  present,

with the sensation, as in the picture

of not being able to see further than the close instant.  


It is in those instants, when I find myself distinguishing  as never before the detailes in the landscape that, from the window, accompanied me in my afternoons of study during my teens. So much looking though the same window, in this, another time, the colours offer me an unusual richness of nuances and the horizon gets full with exquisite details.  

I can say the same about my inner landscape, with more time to explore and wonder at its exuberant reality. 


r e a l i t y

interesting concept


If I speak about the reality pulsating  with light and filled with possibilities that abides inside of me, those always ready to raise the tirant flag of rationality would reproach that I am not a realistic person.  How daring to forget that dense and weird “reality” we universally inhabit?


There are moments in which that reality suffocates me. But I must admit that, so far, are the least. 

 yoga has innumerable, and some times nearly antagonist, teachings about reality.

One of them is this list of the four states of Consciousness (that Tantra broadens later): 

deep sleep
“turya”  or meditative state 


Which one is more real? 

What I live in this moment sitting in front of my computer, feeling the freshness of the morning and watching a flock of white doves to take flight at once?  

Tonight´s dream when I was in my Moroccan home with a feeling that something was differente?  

The darkness I perceive when I close my eyes that has its own permission to change into any form or no-form at every moment?  


These days, more than ever, the different states of my Consciousness intermingle dancing among them  

… And I am grateful.

I am grateful to be reminded that reality is less solid than I think. 

I am grateful to be reminded that everything is One.


What is reality? 

No doubt it is a  mystery 


A mystery that guides me to keep on practicing,

with deeper love for the practices 

and with deeper love for life.



…with love to Shyama

Cages and mirrors

Cages and mirrors

March 25th 2020 – DAY 12th of lockdown 


In a rebellious act, I looked into the mirror and, as if breaking free from this invisible cage in  which I have been twelve days already, I paint my lips red.

Maybe I did not have a red lipstick in my make-up purse for the last twenty-five years. Yes, since those times in which I used to disowned my tanned skin during summer and attempting to look like a geisha/punk/what-do-I-know, I used to apply a very expensive greenish cream that, below the make-up, several tones lighter than my skin, cancelled any rose color from my cheeks.  At those times, in which Pluto was hanging hands with my Sun, a gothic and sinister entity possessed me and it only allowed me to dress in black and show up in ways that know I see as very little flattering.

A red lipstick was one of the last things I bought before the quarantine. I was desiring one  for a long time, and in several occasions I went into a make-make-up shop, leaving with my empty hands. Infinite options of red. I do really back choosing among so many options. I get blocked. But that day of tension, the day that the toilet paper was sold out in Madrid, I went down to but Kleenex and, as it was forbidden to test the lipsticks for the posible infection, I asked the saleswoman to chose one for me. 

I did not think about the lipstick in all these days. Until today. It was the day to go out shopping.  Tired of the unrecognisable image of myself in the mirror, I dressed in black and grey, as the energy of the last news. Delighting myself in the moment, that I consciously made longer as if stopping time, the mirror lit up with my blood color, life color, lips.

In my imagination were the  passers-by I would cross with. There looks of gratitude for the joy of my lips. My little grain of sand in an uncertain and sad world.

The town look like a desert. Not even my beloved Murakami would have imagined the possibility of a whole world in pause, with all the people isolated. Once in the street I took out from my pocket the mask that my mom had made hours ago, sewing close to the window.  Mask.  Walls. Borders. Cages into cages, like Russian matrioshkas.  

I look into the mirror. I see myself different. Tomorrow I will make some waves in my hair. Waves of freedom that remind me of the Ocean. 

Yoga in times of… coronavirus

Yoga in times of… coronavirus

Nature is an artwork. The coronavirus image could be a contemporary art painting hanging in any of our, now closed, city museums. 

But I am saying this thinking in a more masterful sense. In a momento where the human species was unstoppably moving towards its own destruction, Nature, yes, Mother Earth, manifests its grandiose power as a single ARN chain that is challenging our way of life.  

Covid-19, one more of the species that form this complex entity that we call Earth and from which we are part of, shows up as a weapon of the Mother, in its most ferocious form, know in the Hindu tradition as Kali, to give us a time to contemplate, to recalibrate our habits, offering us the possibility of survival as humans on this beautiful planet.

In my morning walk with Ananda, I was thinking on how nature continues its course with no alteration. Sun rises in the morning, the sky gets painted in blue, birds sing (it seems even louder with the absence of other sounds), flowers show off happy in their branches. Only humans are missing, and this brings a sense of both emptiness and relief.  

This world-wide experience is a great opportunity for growth and evolution. I hope we all use this time in a wise way to elevate our energy, our awareness so we can start anew with a renovated vision. 

I have been trying to write this blog for a few days, navigating through certain lack of concentration and a inner bombing of  ideas for writing. So I have decided to codify in smaller contents. The most important message I want to convey today is: 


It is not possible to insist enough about this: your sadhana is more important than ever.

Sadhana = regular, constant, devotional practice

It has not been a more important moment to practice YOGA than now, both for your individual well-being and for the opportunity to elevate human consciousness.  

This are  some of the benefits of establishing a regular and constant practice during this time at home:

  • At a physical level, practice of asana and pranayama strengthen the inmune system and gives vitality. It will also help you to sleep better.  
  • At a mental level, it gives you a rest from so much information and helps you to maintain clarity. 
  • At an emotional level, allows you to connect with the observer and not been swept by the intense emotions that can bring episodes of anxiety. On one hand, the emotional body is altered and the nervous system on alert. There is a whirlwind of emotions, thoughts, feelings. Human beings have a brutal capacity for adaptation but even though, we all feel we are in front  of an extreme situation in which we lose control over our lives. It is important NOT deny your emotions. It is totally normal to feel fear sadness, rage,… Allow yourself to cry or to express your emotions. 
  • At a spiritual level, yoga connects you with the essence and generates trust.

As yogis we have been preparing for this and, in fact. many of us see this time as a time of spiritual retreat.  In the same way that social discipline is important to stop the infection, the discipline and energy of our sadhana is key in these moments to bring  light into the world

  If you do not have a regular sadhana. this is the perfect moment to create this discipline.  

With the intention to help, I am starting to offer on-line classes in my on-line school rasalilayoga.online in the upcoming days. There will be some free classes and the possibility to subscribe to some more. Lets be in touch. And write me with suggestions about what you need in these moments. 


To finish with a bit of humor, this is my favourite joke so far…  humor is one of the magical human powers and laughing is a great booster for immunity.

An inflection point: bringing collective shadow into light

An inflection point: bringing collective shadow into light

We live times of great responsibility as the human race. You do not need to be very sensitive to feel that. If a movie scriptwriter had designed the stage of a sky in which the planets describe radical change, he could not have done better: a Lunar eclipse in Cancer, Urano  in Taurus squaring the Sun and the powerful and famous conjunction Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn on January 12th. 

Yes, these days bring particular intensity. And everything in the sky talks about big changes, radical transformations. On one hand there is a feeling of vertigo, like at the edge of a roller coaster; on the other hand, it is so exciting to be alive in this moment of history…  

Lets go step by step. 

A Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth gets in between the Sun and the Moon. The darkness we see is nothing but the projected shadow of the Earth over the surface of the Moon.  In the same way, Lunar eclipses, make personal and collective “shadows” visible. This eclipse allows us to see everything we do not like, in ourselves and also at the level of society and the system,  

Cancer is the sign of emotions, home and the mother. Friday January 10th is a day to be at home, to feel, to self-care, to mother yourself. Also to observe which are the underlying patterns that limit us. We are clearly seeing how our actions hace consuenes over our bit “home” that is the Mother Earth. A lunar eclipse is a good time to let go, to cleanse. Give yourself a week for the energy to settle before taking drastic decisions. 

What do I have to let go?  


Lots have been said about the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that will take place on January 12th. It is importante for several reasons.  It happens about  every 34-36 years and nothing remains the same afterwards. Saturn and Pluto are two heavy weights  and, when together, their energy leaves a trace. They mark times of crisis. Times of  transformation. Times of growth and maturity. Saturn represents structures, the establishment.  Pluto is Kali, is Shiva: the energy that dissolves without doubt everything that does not serve anymore. To add on, the Sun and Mercury join the party.

Saturn in Capricorn also represent success. Pluto is the shadow, the collective subconscious. With this conjunction the shadow of success  comes into light. What we have turn into model of personal success is bringing as a secondary effect, the very familiar experience of stress and anxiety, The success of a whole civilisation and the welfare society has taken us to an unsustainable way of life for the planet. During the past years we have become aware of the things they do not work, that we are paying an excessive price for. The things we do not want. Unsustainable energies. Obsolete institutions. Governs that seem from another century novel. Incapacity to take right and effective decisions.  And still, there is such a great resistance to change: it is not an easy task to stop the inertia of the great system. 

Pluto has arrived to push into important changes that would be unthinkable of a few years ago, especially related to great structures, governs, corporations (Saturn). If we use well the available energy, Pluto will help to dissolve the old, as Saturn, as it enters in the innovative Aquarius in 2021, will impulse the creation of new systems, with the help of optimistic and abundant Jupiter.  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi used to say that we are in the new dawn of humanity, at the end of the Kali Yuga, the age of confusion and lack of dharma, but already feeling the new colours in the sky before seeing the first rays of the Sun. Moments of uncertainty, sure, but also of hope.  

At a personal level, how you live this moment depends on how this planets affect your natal chart, and also on how you have been doing the needed work, external and internally. Saturn in Capricorn demands a double portion of discipline, perseverance, constancy. Pluto is change, transformation, dissolution, brutal honesty to see ourselves in our totality. This is a year of intense work and the new created structures and patterns will  remain in time as a big foundation

Think about the energy of these two planets as a teacher or a father telling you from their wisdom “better not like this” 

Uranus in Taurus. Taurus is the stability of the Earth; Uranus, the revolution, the instability.  Taurus is the known; Uranus, the unknown, what is radically different. We are cleaning the basement… One of the shadows of this aspect is how technology and radiation (Urano) are disturbing our calm and that of Mother Earth. Are we still in time to change this? I don’t know. But for sure Uranus is also inviting us to find innovative, imaginative, revolutionary solutions for the future. Solutions that requiere us to get out of our comfort zone. Uranus in Taurus is also helping to create new forms for the material: new economical systems, new forms of money…

On Friday 10th, Full Moon in Cancer will be opposing the big planetary conjunction in Capricorn, creating a dialogue between our more emotional and human side and the one that is more concerned in manifestation and profits.  

In spite of the tension, the Moon will be happy to be in her favourite sign and to illuminate this process with the love we need so much.


Some tips for an intense January 2020 

  • This Full Moon on Friday, contemplate the balance between your family or personal life and your professional life, the energy that you use in listening to your emotions versus the energy you dedicate to your work and your projects.
  • Make sure to mother yourself this weekend and have a light schedule
  • Listen to your  emotions but do not act impulsively over them 
  • If you have not created your sankalpa (intention) for the year, do it soon. A clear intention will give your time direction and will help you to see which are the “structures” that need to dissolve to create new foundations. 
  • Discipline. You know where you need it, 
  • Neptune, the planet of dreams, consciousness and unconditional love gives release to the intensity of this moment. It is not by chance that humanity turns towards spirituality. Give yourself every day the necessary pleasure fo meditation and contemplation.  


Namaste & my best wishes for 2020  









Full Moon in Aquarius – Me & Humankind

Full Moon in Aquarius – Me & Humankind

Moon in Aquarius – Sun in Leo  



With every full Moon, the Sun and the Moon, our ego and our emotional body, sit face to face to have a conversation. 

Sun in Leo connects us with our external personality, with how we show ourselves in the world. Are YOU allowing your inner light to shine through? Are  sharing yourself fully, like if you are under the lights on stage? Moon in Aquarius, connects us with the greater community of mankind, with WE. It takes us to a future that requires radical changes and new forms of thought. 

Today, The Sun has brought some friend with him: Venus, our feminine side, what we love, how we love, and Mars, our masculine side, how we get what we want, how we act in the world. Venus is reminding us about sweetness, about harmony, about beauty. About the important to be in relationship with the other. Our light shines even more beautifully when it reflects through the other. And, ultimately, even the king of the jungle needs the other to be adored and admired. 

But no; not any relationship will do.

Uranus makes us to re-evaluate relationships and everything that we take for granted, and brings new ways of relating to the other, new ways of thought that might well shake your “comfortable” world.  Because, let’s be honest, not any relationship supports us in our growth and transformation; not every relationship allow us to shine fully. 

Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, keep an eye on us, reminding us that we are transforming deeply, both at a personal and at a planetary level, and that we need discipline. And it might be the time to have a look into our inheritance from our family subconscious. 

  • How do you feel interactions with your family have shaped your personality?

  • Were you allowed to shine or were your light uncomfortable for your family? 

  • Do you accommodate or do you rebel? 

  • In which ways have you defended your individuality, your unique vision of life? 

  • In which communities do you feel you are allowed to shine? 

  • How do you cultivate and protect your unique light makes a difference in the world around you? 

This Full Moon is asking us to make peace with ourselves, to celebrate, to let our hair free in the wind, look at the world from the mountain of our own heart, saying


Hey, I AM here

Ready to shine

I do this for US, the great family of mankind 

I have a vision. MY vision 

And it includes YOU

It is a dance

It is a dance

Today is an anniversary that I would love not to have to remember. Three years ago I had an accident in the ocean that brought, as a consequence, a chronic injury in my legs. 

Pain is relative. For the first few days, when I did not know yet the gravity of the injury, pain was very intense, but it was only physical pain. I do not mean physical pain is not important, but for me it is easier to stand a pain you know is temporary. The true pain came with the full diagnostic: the hamstring tendon was removed from the attachment at the sitzbone. Not only that. The muscles themselves were broken in different places. There was an option of surgery but not fully recommended by my doctor. I was in hell for days. We are never ready for sudden intense changes, and especially if those are in our bodies. Now there was the possibility for pain not being temporary. The uncertainty about my life as a yoga teacher and a surf lover. The difficult decision about a possible surgery without having clarity about the future consequences. 


In those days I learn there is only one medicine for hell:

surrender to a higher power 


Never in my life I have felt so grateful for all my years of yoga practice, for all my teachers.  

Not only for the healing power of the practice at a physical level but, above all, by the trust in the Universe worked out for years, day by day.  


In the middle of suffering I was feeling fully a yogini transiting the way of awakening . 

I have also learnt that what I am more than what I look like or what I am able to do. To feel “broken” is very strange. I touched a place of great vulnerability where I was not feeling full, whole. Who am I truly if suddenly I cannot do all the things that so well defined me?  After an event that de-structures you, a new identity is formed. On one hand, I do not want to feel limited by my injury nor to identify with it. On the other hand, and although normally I do not feel pain and have a pretty active life, every movement I do with my body reminds me that is not as it used to be before.

So I have also learnt to live inside my body in a deeper, more connected way. There is the healthy fear of hurting myself  if I force too much, and sometimes I still can feel the trauma stored in the tissue, even after infinite treatments and therapies. So I am in a state of permanent listening. I am in awe about the body regeneration capacity. About the life intelligence that finds new neural pathways. About how the body tissues respond to love and awareness.  Yes. I have treated my body with incredible love. And my body has responded showing me all the things I can do even feeling broken.

In truth, aren’t all we broken in some way?   

On the past days, I was contemplating how physical injuries are more apparent, but truly, our emocional and physical wounds are much deeper and painfu. Yoga practices aim to heal ourselves at all levels. The process is both beautiful and intense, Beautiful and intense. Beautiful and intense. The dance consist of building strength to face the intensity and cultivating sensitivity to savour the beauty.  

Today I want to celebrate my body. I want to celebrate myself. I want to celebrate yoga. And, especially, I want to renovate the commitments to love myself fully. To love my body even more as I am ageing. To love and accept myself unconditionally, with my physical and emotional wounds.  

I leave you with a video that reflects my progress in one of my favourite asanas. I do not have much attachments to particular yoga poses themselves, but  Natarajasana is very dear to me for many reasons. After the accident, I created a vision board and I put a picture of myself  performing  Natarajasana. Like an unreachable dream… 

The video is two years and a half later, I did not put my focus of the practice in this asana, but in healing my body, with care and intelligent alignment.  With love the body opens, And advanced asanas blossom… or they don’t´. It is not the most important.  

It is a dance and we learn to move with the rhythm,  

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